
Ningxia delicacies tempt int'l diners' palates

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内容摘要:(Xinhua) 11:03, October 28, 2023YINCHUAN, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Red wine produced from the Helan Mount

(Xinhua) 11:03, October 28, 2023

YINCHUAN, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Red wine produced from the Helan Mountain, mutton from Yanchi, desert-grown sand leeks, potato noodles, and beef from Jingyuan... these local delicacies of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region have tantalized the palates of numerous customers from home and abroad in the heart of downtown Beijing.

Today, these delectable offerings can be relished in several restaurants in the national capital. Among them, one opened in July and is run by Su Xiaolong, who has always been dedicated to bringing the culinary delights of his hometown to more food enthusiasts.

One of the most popular dishes is the mutton from Yanchi County. The county was once poverty-stricken due to desertification. But the Yanchi sheep have become a recognizable brand nationwide due to its fine taste and rich nutrition.

Based in Beijing's CBD, Su's halal restaurant has seen a growing influx of foreign patrons. "After three months' operation, a good reputation has been gradually established among our guests, many of whom are businessmen and diplomats from Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, and African countries. The number of foreign guests accounts for around 20 percent of our total number of guests."

"While the gourmets have explored our food, many of them have considered our place their regular dining destination, often introducing it to friends," Su added.

Meanwhile, the red wine from Ningxia is also well-received in Su's restaurant. "Ningxia red wine is gaining increasing global recognition. More and more people recognize its high quality."

As the country's largest wine-producing area, Ningxia has emerged as a rising star on the global wine map after more than four decades of development.

Ningxia's long hours of sunshine and its cool and dry climate have both greatly aided the local grape cultivation. The region boasts a unique "terroir," a term used in the wine industry to refer to natural conditions for making top-class wine products, attracting 228 wineries from home and abroad. Its annual wine output reached 138 million bottles in 2022.

Su's unwavering commitment to promoting Ningxia cuisine has also boosted the sales of local agricultural and specialty products.

He has maintained a long-term partnership with a Yanchi mutton supplier, making monthly purchases worth tens of thousands of yuan in mutton. Additionally, he cooperates with local wineries, buying about 100,000 yuan (about 13,666 U.S. dollars) worth of red wine each month. 

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